Beehive Maintenance Agreement
MOU is agreed by both the parties:-
- BFP will provide 200 Apis Melifera beehives as well as 8 frames.
- Beehives must be placed in an appropriate location determined by BFP based on flora availability.
- BFP must look after and keep beehives in good condition.
- Beehives will be relocated based on local needs.
- The customer is free to inspect the beehives at any time after providing prior notice.
- This MOU is valid for 1 year.
- Customer will be charged a fee to keep their boxes and are free to check the beehives at any time after giving information about visit.
- Customers beehives boxes will contain a tag in which name of customer is labelled.
- For maintaining beehives there will be a charge of Rs 300/ box / month
- Supply of Beehives will be 4500/box with 8 frames. customer to pay based on transportation and placement at the site. This payment shall be paid in 15 days.
- After 1 years these boxes shall be returned to Customer at a designated place. Shipping charges shall be paid by Customer at actuals.